Today's Word 🌱

"I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine."
-Song of Solomon 6:3
This week many around the world celebrated and treated the loved ones in their life in a special way. Persons may have either showered their partner with affection or engaged in acts of appreciation to their friends, coworkers and family members. Let's be honest: intimacy is something that the human being craves. Finding someone to love and be safely loved by is a beautiful experience, however sometimes, we find ourselves looking for that intimacy in places that can instead end up being a source of disillusionment. 

So how can we go about fulfilling that need for intimacy without risking disappointment? While nothing in this life is perfect or guaranteed, it is an important step to acknowledge that human love was created to reflect the love of God in many ways. If we were to learn what true love is from God, we not only elevate our ways of loving, but also, elevate our criteria in our search for and identification of good love. According to Blaise Pascal, “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.”

 As I sat reflecting on this quote, I decided to pen a poem. It is a reminder for me, as much as it is for anyone who may be able to relate to the words. I don't have a title, but maybe you can help by suggesting one after reading it. Here goes;

Real Love

They say love is for lovers, only for pairs,
Only room for twos, but no room for ones.
But if we close our eyes, we hear what God says-
You are never alone, I am not like your human loans.

They say love is not, unless someone else is -
Summing up two hearts, four hands, twenty toes together.
Yet the heart, hands and feet I depend on that can't be seen,
Are greater than the sum of all humanity the world wide over.

My Father says "Focus, don't miss a step, you're dancing with Me,
Talk with Me, walk with Me, trust Me, on Me you can lean."
But the wandering feet and beating heart of His sheep rest less,
Picturing on the other side, that the grass is so much more green.

My Father's Word, written and sealed in His love,
is the most timeless love letter I've ever kept.
All sweet nothings ultimately borrow their breath
from the original Lover of souls, His heights and His depths.

He gave me the moon and the stars from the very beginning, 
He walked on water, stilled the waves. He won't let me stay down.
He wipes away my stormy tears with a whispered command,
And serenades with birds, rivers, trees, flowers, even at sundown.

He calls me His beloved, and I call Him mine. 
His morning breath of life is always refreshing.
He sends me the Comforter, His angels, His Word
to make my path straight, searching, protecting and re-aligning.

He showers with gifts, rain, fruits, music, among many others,
and delights our senses every day at every flip and turn.
He satisfies my needs, my wants, my desires,
His voice knocks at my heart's door. For Him, my spirit yearns.

He is my Rock of Ages, my shelter in the time of life's storms,
He is the Alpha and Omega, my beginning and my end.
He captures my heart, yet He gives me so many freedoms.
He is forever, because this time on earth isn't long enough.

Ponder how valuable your soul must be.
Satan tirelessly pursues it, but our Father remains relentless
Misery loves company, that's the objective of the enemy,
But Papa God says enough, and laid down His life as redemption's price.

My friends, Abba's hands are gentle and strong enough,
His footsteps are the right pace so we can keep up. 
Satisfy our deep longings, Lord, keep lifting up our chins
to face You, the Light of our life, the Filler of our cups.

When I first heard this song some years ago, it tugged at my heart and at times has been a tune for movement when no-one is around.  This song is dedicated to anyone who needs  a refreshing reminder of and a pull back to the pure love of God. Let's allow the Lord to delight us and lift our spirits up. Let's dance with our Heavenly Father in the spirit, and if He so wills, let Him be the One to choose and allow another partner to cut in. God bless πŸŽ§πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸΌ

Dance with Me [Phil Tarver]

Thanks to Jessica for contributing the title of the poem. πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸΌ


  1. Amen πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™‡πŸΎ‍♀️❤️πŸ™πŸ½

  2. I came up with a couple: Heart's Cry, True Love/ Real Love, The Goodness of God :)


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