Tonight's Word 🌱

Illustration © Review & Herald Publ. Assoc.

"And I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself. that where I am, there you may be also."
John 14:3

I remember reading a piece of writing some years ago that described a vision that the writer received. They recalled seeing a large group of believers sensing the darkness of this world and setting off on a journey to heaven, or as some may refer to it, the promised land. As they progressed along this journey, they noticed that the path got narrower and steeper, and little by little, they needed to shed the bulk and the weight of the things they had started with on the journey. The path was challenging, and oftentimes, they would have lost their footing if they hadn't maintained their focus on the light provided by the Holy City ahead. Some got discouraged along the way, and fell away. Almost at the end of their road, the path was so narrow, all they could depend on was holding on with both hands to ropes hanging down from above. By persevering faith, and by God's helping grace, they eventually reached their destination joyfully. (You may read the full description by clicking on this link: Traveling the Narrow Way

I continue  to find it encouraging. Have you taken a temperature check on the world lately? More and more these days, I hear persons express their increasing concern for their safety, and the ease with which lives are taken by others. Almost every day, there are reports of murders, a kidnapping, a robbery, a violent attack, or an accident. People continue to succumb to illnesses and disease, despite the advancements of modern medicine and availability of information. We hear about threats of war, abject poverty, human trafficking, and abuse. While many fixate on perhaps earning a livelihood, keeping their families together, enjoying their life as much as possible, or avidly pursuing mind-numbing vices or mindless entertainment, many others are experiencing the underbelly of this sinful world. So many stories don't even make it to the headlines, as countless individuals continue to suffer silently, internally crying out for deliverance from injustices.

Stairway to heaven - Michael Godard
Artist's depiction of the spiritual walk

This earth that was created perfectly, still maintains beautiful reminders of the Creator's design. However we can also acknowledge that it is surely waxing old under the weight of sin. The believer may also feel a struggle to live righteously in the present world at times, as there are so many pulls and tugs on ones focus and attention. Our Saviour knew that as time goes on, the condition of this world will worsen. He knew there was a real enemy who had but a short time, and took pleasure in destroying Christ's precious creation. Christ looking ahead into the future, made this promise that continues to echo in the believer's heart to this very day. "And I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself. that where I am, there you may be also." (John 14:3)

He wants us to know that there is more. He is preparing more. He wants to give us more. The beauty of this promise is not just the beauty of this place, but that this is where He will be. The blessed hope of reuniting with Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2). He desires for us to set off on this journey of faith with and toward Him. Like the group of believers in this vision, we may find ourselves having to shed off weights, let go of things, placing more of our trust in God than in what is around us, and wondering to ourselves, if it will all be worth it. We are being reminded tonight that our current home is not our final destination. We may be struggling, may have fallen off the path, but the path is worth it. Shall we join the faithful group on the narrow path, keeping the present in perspective and the promise as our ultimate joy?

Precious Father, thank you for life, and for the being our Light. You have spoken truths and made promises, and we know we can trust Your Word. Father, we ask that You help us in our weakness, that you strengthen us in our faith, that you give us fresh encounters with You, that You renew our hope, and that our walk with You will be restored, against all odds. Help us as we walk this path, that we also remember the sufferings of fellow humanity, and seek to do our part in helping to relieve and release the burdens of others so that they too can come to travel the same path. Keep us faithful, and save us, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Do enjoy this this beautiful song I learned as a teenager and still enjoy singing along to. The original was in Spanish, but the English version has been included in the subtitles for your enjoyment. It serves as an encouraging reminder, of the promise of that heavenly home. Be blessed πŸŽ§πŸ™‚πŸ™πŸΌ

MÑs allÑ del sol / Far beyond the sun (Miguel Ángel y Michelle Matius)


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