Tonight's Word 🌱

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"
-Mark 8:36

Have you ever watched an item in the store, and when you check at another store or even online, the price is lower there? Merchants usually purchase their goods at what is called a cost price, and mark up their selling prices because making a profit is how they make a living. It is up to the customer, who has the power of choice, to decide where they get the best value for their money. At the end of the day however, we all value the idea of making a reasonable profit, be it from the seller's side, off of anything that is sold or a service that is provided, or from the consumer's side, profiting well from a product or service that is paid for. It is wise to weigh choices well, and ensure we get the best outcome possible.

This week, a well-established and rapidly expanding supermarket chain was catapulted into the media headlines due to one of it's top executives calling out the company on its alleged employee training practices, which to all appearances seemed to be bordering on necromancy. It was also reported that a company representative retorted that this was the reason for the success of the company in the first place, questioning the reason for the level of alarm. The whistle-blowing executive employee has since been placed on leave, pending the outcome of the investigation, and while the public awaits a determination on the true veracity of these claims, it did bring into focus the question of what we as human beings are willing to do to achieve what is termed success. 

If it costs you your peace or your soul, it is too expensive.

While some have valued hard work, education and wisdom in directing their life and business affairs, some are discontent with the slow pace of the patience that is required by achievement through honest means, and seek to fast-forward their path by resorting to methods of dishonesty, stealing, betrayal, manipulation, and, even dabbling in the occult. This is evident in business practices, the entertainment industry, and many other spheres of life, seen and unseen. God's Word says: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." (1 Timothy 6:10). The desire for wealth, power and influence seem to be weak entry points for the enemy of souls to prey on, and unfortunately, individuals succumb to his temptations. The perceived instant personal benefit or profit often blinds us to the truly heavy cost at the end, which is straying far from the pure principles of God and becoming entangled in the snares of the enemy.

Stories throughout the Bible such as Eve giving in to the lies of the serpent (Genesis 3), King Saul consulting a medium (1 Samuel 28: 3-25), and the dishonesty of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11), are among many examples placed there for our benefit. It is God's way of allowing us to learn from the mistakes of others, and to have sufficient warning of the dangers involved. He is fully aware of the reality that there is an enemy who takes delight in misleading God's children to destruction, and He desires for us to stay on the straight and narrow, trusting in Him and the true benefits of righteousness.

While it may be easy to laugh or point fingers at others, let us pray for them, and at the same time, also be discerning about our own lives, our motives, our decisions, our weaknesses and strengths. What are the ways in which we pay triple the true price for something we want? Are we sacrificing our health? Our family? Our values and morals? Are we paying heavy costs for mistakes? Are we taking loans in life that give us instant benefit but end up having us tied into paying worrying amounts of interest that drain us? What is it that we want so intensely that we are willing to do anything to get it? What are the ways in which we sacrifice a clear conscience, peace of mind and long-term or even eternal goals for temporary gain? Is it really profitable for us to gain earthly success at the cost of ones soul's salvation? 

Eternal Father, thank You for the benefit of the timeless wisdom You have shared in Your Word. Thank You for the many opportunities in this life where we put these wisdoms into practice and reap the benefits of peace in You. We are sorry for the times we have failed to be obedient and trust Your wisdom, but rather chase after the delusions of the enemy. Father, we ask for your forgiveness. Those who have become entangled in the traps of the enemy, release them Father. Pull us back into the safety of Your will for us. Truly, there is nothing more valuable than the profit that truly benefits our soul's salvation. Be with us, and continue to guide and protect us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Be blessed as we reflect on the message of this song below. Be encouraged. πŸŽ§πŸ™πŸΌ

Profit - B'jorn Pierre


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