Tonight's Word 🌱

"Altogether, Enoch lived a total of 365 years.
Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. "
-Genesis 5:23-24

Has anyone ever told you to take a hike? They may actually be giving you a compliment. Traditionally, it was meant as an insult, as walking was considered a necessity for the poor due to lack of transport, but now, hiking has become a sport of choice with enthusiasts from all walks of life. In fact, November 17 has been acknowledged as National Day of Hiking in the USA.

Anyone who knows me, knows I like to walk. I am always looking for someone to walk with me or an opportunity to walk, be it in the mountains, on the walking track around the savannah, or even walking through a garden. Walking has many benefits for me. It is a good form of exercise, uses pent up energy, is an effective de-stresser, and it also takes me places where I wouldn't have been able to reach on wheels. I enjoy the forest, being around rivers, waterfalls, trees, observing other creatures, away from the busy-ness of life. Nature has its own pace and it is therapy for me while walking, to slow down and take it all in.

I am also happy to associate with networks of fellow walkers / hikers. I continue to appreciate them, and the bond formed through the shared passion for and experiences in walking or hiking. Occasionally, we will even see a few challenging themselves, walking from one end of the island to another, or conquering some rugged or uncharted terrain. It tests their limits. At the end of their feat, no matter where we are, the rest of the group feels a sense of pride in our counterpart's successes, and celebrates with them. There is a certain sense of accomplishment looking back at not only the amount of ground distance covered or the destination that was reached, but also the experiences along the way, the highs, the lows, the encouragement, the camaraderie, the memories and bonding in between. The privilege of walking a journey with someone is something we don't treasure enough.

The Bible describes the life of the believer as a walk. It talks about a walk that is by faith, and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). It encourages us to walk with God in faith. In fact, from tonight's highlighted scripture, we see Enoch experienced a walk so close and sincere with the Lord, that the Bible states that God took him. It is believed that he didn't even experience death. Enoch seems to have found an excellent walking partner in the Lord. The good news is that God wants to walk with us too. We often forget that he is a more than willing presence at our side. Activating our awareness of Him at our side helps us to grow that faith walk with Him. Just as we can enjoy a good view and a good exercise on a hike, the spiritual walk is also punctuated by joyful mountaintop experiences and valleys of trials and doubts. Just as we enjoy the company of fellow hikers, the presence of Jesus assures us that we are not alone, and we even have a friend in Him, on the trails of life. Let's walk with Jesus, and maybe even take a hike with Him. He is with us every step of the way, come what may.

I want to Walk with You
(Michael Bethany)

Early in the morning 
You wait for me to rise 
Counting down the seconds 
'til I open up my eyes 
I hear Your invitation 
You have been so patient 
So Lord this is my reply 

I want to walk with You 
And talk with You 
Hear You speaking 
Feel You breathing 

By the quiet waters 
You fill me with Your peace 
Through the darkest valley 
I know that You're with me 
The beauty of Your presence 
Fills me with assurance 
That You are all I need 

Oh Jesus I want to walk with You 
I want to know You 
Not just about You 
I want to be with You 
Not just around You 
I want to love You 
Not just be loved by You 
I want to walk with You

Be blessed by tonight's musical selection. I find myself humming along to it at times. πŸŽ§πŸ™‚

Walk with me, oh my Lord (Nicky Stixx)


  1. Sorry we are not there to walk with you Dora, but it looks like God has been filling in for us perfectly. ☺️

  2. Excellent article, Dora :) May your pen - and feet - continue to be used to bless others!


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