Poem - Father, Your children are fighting again

"And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."
-Matthew 24:6

Father, Your children are fighting again. 
Dora Seecharan

Father God, Your children are fighting again.
This war, this sibling rivalry,
this eternal antagonism,
when will it ever end?

Tragic, when we can't even put a finger
on who is right or wrong
Are both right? Are both wrong?
Why does your judgement linger?

Perhaps you have been speaking too long.
Perhaps to our own devices You have left us.
Perhaps You have been parting fights for far too long.
Now on our own chosen path we must go down.

How sad to see the innocents
suffering the consequences of past generations,
of current decisions,
of incongruent elements.

Peace was meant to be free,
but the effects of sin divide and conquer us.
Now it comes at too high a cost,
the price of a life, an arm, legs, family.

And the closer we get to the time of the end,
The love of God withdraws from the heart of men.
Wars and rumours of wars increase in momentum,
like contractions that will bring forth Christ's second advent.

When Father God rings that final bell,
blows the last trumpet, and announces the end of this earthly match,
He will share around the rewards and the punishments
and send all the children to bed.

A bed made in heaven? A bed made in hell?
Time will tell, but the choice is still ours.
Keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus
or away from our Father, wandering to dwell.

Father, your children are fighting again.
We know the great controversy must play out to the end.
While we have life, it is for us to ensure that the battle in our own heart,
Is fought well to the end.

The love of Christ must win. 
Love for Christ must win. 
Christ must Win.

Eternal Father, thank You for being a wise, all knowing and all powerful God. Thank You for not giving up on us. Inspite of our actions as humanity, You are still searching for hearts that truly seek to worship you in spirit and in truth. You have not promised that life will be perfect, as this earth will continue to be ravaged by the effects of sin until You come again, but rather that You have prepared a home for us where none of these earthly agitations can rise up anymore. Be with those who are going through the ravages of war. We are touched by the heartbreaking tragedies. Help us to turn our eyes upon You, give us wisdom and understanding to understand and navigate our way through the many uncertainties and turmoils of this life. We understand that there is a spiritual war going on in and around us also. Keep fighting for us, as You aim to win as many souls for Your eternal kingdom. When all is said and done, save us, and keep us close to You forever. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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