Tonight's Word 🌱

"And I looked and saw a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was One like the Son of Man, with a golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand.
Then another angel came out of the temple, crying out in a loud voice to the One seated on the cloud, “Swing Your sickle and reap, because the time has come to harvest; for the crop of the earth is ripe."
- Revelation 14: 14-15
In the US, the month of September has been designated as the month for raising awareness of Sickle Cell Disease. Do you know someone who is affected by this? Depending on which part of the world you are in, the chances of this may vary, as certain regions/ethnicities seem to have a higher frequency than others. According to statistics, twenty million people worldwide are affected by this condition, of which approximately 100,000 are in the US (1 in every 365 persons are born with the disease, and 1 in every 13 persons carry the trait).

Normal blood cells are disc-shaped and flexible and can travel easily through the blood vessels in our body. With this inherited blood disorder however, it causes sickle-shaped red blood cells that can stick together, causing obstruction of blood flow and oxygen from reaching all parts of the body. This usually results in episodes of pain called 'pain crises', anaemia, and other serious complications. Those with the Sickle Cell Trait have a milder form of the disease (with only half of the gene combination), where their blood cells generally appear normal but under certain extreme conditions of rigorous exertion, lack of oxygen, etc, their blood cells have the potential to change shape (sickle) and result in episodes of pain or even collapse. 

The sickle cell got its name from the agricultural tool called the sickle. It is a curved handheld tool with a sharpened blade on the inner curve that is commonly used and known for cutting/harvesting cereal crops such as wheat. While we may not all be familiar with this tool, did you know that there is mention of the sickle in the Bible? The Bible is full of agricultural imagery as this represented the livelihood of many at the time. 

Interestingly, while wheat can symbolically represent a joyful time of harvest and abundance, it has also been used to symbolize the spiritual development and condition of the world. The Lord desires that we grow spiritually to be like mature wheat that is ready and ripe for harvesting. As with any crop when reaped, there is usually produce that meets the approved standard of the farmer, and produce that is discarded due to unsuitability for use and the potential to affect the quality of the rest of the crop. If one is not identified as having the characteristics of a true follower of God at harvest time, more specifically at the time of judgement which the Bible calls it, the prophecy describes a separation that will take place ultimately, separating the wheat from the tares, which are considered weeds that have been growing up among and passing off as wheat.

A farmer harvesting wheat with a sickle
[Photo Credit: Nataba Stock Images]

Today, I am personally called upon to decide if I want to be wheat or a weed. How about you? Are we submitting our heart and mind for God's care and pruning  through His Word, truth and love, or are we running away and remaining complacent to God's final call? Do we want to be harvested out of God's eternal kingdom with His sickle or do we want to spend eternity with our loving and faithful Father in heaven? The good news is that God doesn't want any to be lost but for all to come to repentance. [John 3:16]. He continues to call to us to stand up and be counted as His children, earnestly seeking and serving Him. How shall we answer this final call? Let's choose to live for God today, and harvest time shall be a time of joy.
"And I looked and saw a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was One like the Son of Man, with a golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand.
Then another angel came out of the temple, crying out in a loud voice to the One seated on the cloud, “Swing Your sickle and reap, because the time has come to harvest; for the crop of the earth is ripe."
- Revelation 14: 14-15
Heavenly Father, thank you for Your love and mercy and grace displayed everywhere we turn. Your Word, gives us insight and warnings about the meaning of the times we are living in, and what lies ahead. Help us Lord, as we seek Your face, to continue turning away from the many distractions and desires that serve as weeds in our lives, and continue to work on our heart and mind, so that we may thrive in You and actively point others to You, whom to know is life eternal. Save us Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Be blessed by the song below. God be with us πŸŽ§πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™‚

The Final Call [Derrol Sawyer]


  1. Thanks Dora for raising this - I was not aware that September was Sickle Cell month! I look forward to a time when, having lived this time on earth with its challenges and diseases, I will be with the Saviour, in a place free from pain and sickness forever :)


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