Tonight's Word 🌱

literacy (n) - the ability to read and write; 
competence or knowledge in a specified area.

"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near."
-Revelation 1:3
Can you imagine life without being able to read and/or write? Hmm, we would probably be fumbling our way through, and be somewhat limited in what or how much we can do becaue a lot is dependent on these skills. If we can read this devotional, we should probably take a moment to be thankful to God for the gift of reading. It is generally understood that from preschool age upward, some of the standard goals are to acquire basic skills such as the alphabet, how to sound and form our letters, and how to read to understand. 

Today, the world celebrated Literacy Day. According to UNESCO, "celebrations have taken place annually around the world since 1967 to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights, and to advance the literacy agenda towards a more literate and sustainable society. However, despite steady progress made across the world, literacy challenges persist with at least 763 million young people and adults lacking basic literacy skills in 2020." Literacy for understanding and communication is an important factor that drives our lives on a daily basis. Let us consider ways in which we can individually and collectively help to close this gap.

Most parents, if not all, desire that their child acquires the basic skills of reading and writing. They want their children to be able to learn about the world around them, be able to fend for themselves, and to adequately advance their education to eventually be in a position of self-sufficiency as an adult. 

Did you know that our heavenly Father also desires for us His children to be literate? He desires us to be able to read and understand the Holy Book, which is like a treaaure chest, for wisdom, for instruction, for correction, for comfort, for encouragement, for reminders, for learning from our history and also to be informed as to what the future holds. Jesus was intentionally called 'the Word'. We are called upon to study Him and His life. The psalmist David shared that God's Word 'was a light for his path and a light to his feet'. For the Christian, literacy in the things of God is encouraged, and is described as a blessing. It is like a letter God has written with us in mind. The knowledge and wisdom in it is for our education, for our protection. As we acknowledge World Literacy Day, let us also seek to ensure that not only are we literate to be able to function in the world that we are in, but also let us put it to good use in educating ourselves on our spiritual walk with God.

Heavenly Father,thank you for the gift of literacy. You have created us to reflect You, and it is Your desire to communicate with us, your children, to teach us the right way, to speak to our heart and minds, and to create change and growth in us. We have so much information available to us, like no other time in history. We ask You Lord, to help us prioritize our focus, to help us to dilligently seek you, to search Your Word, and to allow it to transform us from the inside. Be our light, our teacher, our Redeemer. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Be blessed by the beautiful and meditative acappella rendition of this classic song. πŸŽ§πŸ™‚πŸ™πŸ½

Ancient Words [Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company]



  1. It's hard to explain, but I always find myself strangely comforted by your readings. God be raised. Thanks Sis.


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