
Showing posts from August, 2023

Tonight's Word 🌱

  "And we desire for each one of you to show the same diligence [all the way through] so as to realize and enjoy the full assurance of hope until the end." - Hebrews 6:11 I stumbled across this photo over a decade ago. I saw a resilient tree, holding on to barely any soil, and yet it found a way to survive. Its roots searched for and found something to hold on to, and dare we say, it even appears to be thriving, against all odds. In life, many, if not all of us, at one point in time or another, may find ourselves in circumstances or seasons where we may feel like this tree. You may have been crowded out of your comfort zone by grief, despair, unfulfilled desire, displacement, need, depression, disappointments, challenges, struggles, the cares and worries of this life. You may find it difficult to find your way back to a place of assurance, stability or security, contentment or fulfilment.  Tonight, be reminded that all is not lost. Like this tree, as long as we have life, we...

Tonight's Word 🌱

"Bless the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name." -Psalm 103:1 This week, this particular song has been replaying in my mind. What a beautiful joy it is to find oneself in a state of gratitude for all of ones blessings, and praise and worship to our Creator and Redeemer. It lightens our hearts, and is infectious to those around us. It doesn't always come easily though, because as individuals, we go through several ups and downs in life, with regards to what may pre-occupy our thoughts and minds. Reflecting on God's goodness and His mercies and blessings in these times will then have to become an intentional exercise, one that re-directs our thoughts and heart to Him, acknowledging and refreshing ourselves with the reminder of the goodness of God through it all, generally and in our own personal lives.  The psalmist David wrote a beautiful tribute to the Lord during one of his moments of reflection and appreciation. It is one that we can all ...

Tonight's Word 🌱

Happy World Steelpan Day! "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" -Psalm 150:6 This week, I was engaged in a conversation that happened to centre on the workings of artificial intelligence. We touched on the fears about serious possible implications of it, and also on all the many benefits that can be derived from it. It took a while admittedly to come around to dropping parts of my guard about it (perhaps the movie " i Robot " is still playing on my sub-conscious to this day), but I had to have a good chuckle at myself when an article was later shared with me which traced some pretty early inventions and explained the controversy surrounding them at their inception.  For example, the train when it was first invented was feared because it was thought that the human body couldn't withstand moving at such a high speed (50km/hr) and would be dismembered automatically. Similarly, the telephone, telegraph and radio when first invented were...