Tonight's Word π±
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Walking with Jesus |
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
- Matthew 7:13-14
A picture is worth a thousand words. This so true. There are some images that capture my attention, and make me reflect, find meaning, and extract a lesson. I came across this image years ago, and I stored it in my memory. The foot on the left I visualize as mine, small, walking together with and keeping up with the sandaled foot on the right, which reminds me of Jesus. I sense him to be a like a big brother, a father, a friend, who I look up to, whose feet have purpose, and invites me to join Him. I look at His feet and know they are big shoes to fill, and inspire admiration and respect in me. He is a worthy companion on this journey called life, who knows the way, shows the way, and welcomes me to walk beside Him. No matter the terrain or the experiences along the way, anywhere with Jesus, I can safely and trustingly go.
"Jesus went before us on the narrow path along which He beckons us to follow Him."
- Rose Philippine Duchesne
Jesus path wasn't a smooth one, however it is the best one, not because of the kind of path, but because of who we are walking with and where it is leading to. His path is described as narrow. We will have to walk single file at various points, sometimes feeling like no-one is with us even. Sometimes, we may have to experience some highs, and lows, and in between. Some parts may be dark, some may be lighted. We will find ourselves shedding things that weigh us down - the love for things of this world, the wrong messages that bombard us, the habits that keep us down, the thorns that keep us from fully thriving. It is not a popular road, if we are looking for such. The one whose approval matters most is the one who we walk beside. Walking in truth, faith and hope characterizes the life of the one who earnestly desires to be one with our Lord all the days of our life and for eternity.
This post is dedicated to every person who has ever felt alone at certain points of their journey, going through a dark phase, a refining phase, a trying week perhaps even. This is for the one who continues their walk through life on the straight path in faith despite not being sure of what lies ahead. Sometimes things may happen along the way, and we wonder about the divine purpose behind them but we trust the God who has us in His hands. This post is dedicated to those who come what may, have purposed to walk the narrow road that Jesus points us toward, and is still there for us to follow. We are never alone. Be encouraged. Faith is the victory ππ½
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your love shown by sending us a big brother in Jesus. Father, we want to walk with Jesus. We know the road is narrow as You have described in your word, but Your word also is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. May we hold on to Your word, and through trusting obedience, follow You sincerely and earnestly. Bless us, keep us, protect us and keep us close to You as we draw close to You. Give us grace for the journey. When we fall, pick us up, and help us to keep going forward in faith. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Song: Be encouraged by the following song. I find myself singing (or rather, trying to sing) along to it whenever it comes up on my playlist. It truly is an encouragement in song.π Be blessed ππ½π§
Narrow Road [Josh Baldwin]
I'm listening to wherever you are by the Collingsworth Family and this applies so much