Tonight's Word π±
At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”-1 Kings 3: 5-15
This week I wished upon a star. Well, it happened this way. I had just finished a conversation, and then glanced up at the sky. Next thing I know, I saw a shooting star. A pretty common phenomenon, I imagine, but for the average person, it isn't a regular sight as we don't look up as much, so when we see one, we are intrigued. The concept of wishing on a star originated from Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer from back in the day who reasoned that a shooting star was a sign from the gods that they were listening to your wishes and ready to grant them. While it is a whimsical move, I found myself without thinking, making a wish for the first thing that came to my mind. It surprised me actually, what first came to my mind to wish for in that very moment. Afterward, it had me reflecting. What if it really did come through... is that what I really wanted or needed most?
For the Christian, we know all too well that stars have no power to grant wishes. Our Creator God does. We can approach Him with all our wishes, wants, desires and needs. Some may not always be granted, and we trust that He knows best. But what if He appeared to me one day and told me to ask for anything and He would grant it, guaranteed? One thing. What would I ask for? What should I ask for?
This happened to King Solomon in the Bible. If we read King Solomon's Wish (which I encourage you to do by clicking on the link for a very brief read), it is a pretty touching exchange between him and God. God appears to him in a dream and grants him the privilege of asking Him for anything and He would grant it. From the human perspective, this could be a risky move. What if Solomon in his kingly role as a youth wished for world domination, fame, recognition, the death of his enemies, or all the riches in the world? Instead, he felt humbled by his youth, lack of experience, and weight of responsibility, and asked simply for wisdom to fulfil his role to the best of his ability, so that those entrusted to him and his leadership would be governed and treated fairly and well. God not only granted Solomon his wish for the intangible gift of wisdom to honour Him, but he was also given everything else he hadn't asked for. His priorities and values greatly pleased the Lord.
Again, I ask myself the question, if the Lord appears to me and asks me what is the one thing I want for Him to give me, what would I ask for? Is it a house? A car? Lots of wealth? A life companion? Fame? While these things among others may register as wants with any of us, would any of these be that one thing we would want if God gives us one guaranteed wish in our life? It is definitely something to think about and reflect on. I imagine if I asked for and was given a car, for example, because that was what I wanted in the moment, something else may pop up in my mind as a need a while after, and I would think maybe I should have asked for that instead. The nature of things in this life can be quite fleeting (Ecclesiastes 1:14), as even Solomon himself confessed in his old age. He even urged for all to remember the Creator in the days of youth (Ecclesiates 12:1).
Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.- Proverbs 4:7
I have come to the conclusion that while I may want several things at any point in time, and even feel they are needs, if I had to ask God for something that represented my heart's desire, it should probably be something that has eternal value, that brings me closer to Him, that will help me serve Him and others better. Let's take today, an example from the wise and youthful Solomon.
Father, thank You for your ultimate gift of salvation to us that keeps giving everyday. Father, help us to continue keeping the things that matter in front of us, so our wishes and prayers align with your will and good pleasure. Help us to give good thought and discernment to everything we set our heart on. You know the desires of our heart, and we trust You with them. Give us wisdom, and understanding of You and Your ways. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Be blessed by the following prayerful song. π§πππ½