Tonight's Word 🌱

"Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” - Galatians 4:6

This weekend, fathers are in the spotlight for appreciation. Sometimes, we as children take a lot for granted. It is only when we take some time to sit back and reflect, we realize just how much we really have. I am taking this opportunity to publicly say thank you to my dad.

Thank you for being a committed provider the best way you knew how. He always thought of us, to provide food, shelter, clothing, education and support.

Thank you dad for the part you played the best way you knew how in nurturing in us a love for God and His Word. He would engage us as children, in little challenges in memorizing hymns, psalms and other portions of scripture, and reward us when we were able to. Thank you for seeing education as not only academic but also spiritual also.

Thank you dad for displaying and modeling values such as responsibility, independence, education, respect for financial committments, time, and love for reading, writing, walking, nature and plants. I see parts of you in me when I come to think of it. 

Our earthly fathers were tasked with the honour and privilege of mirroring God's love to us. When fathering is done correctly, a man gains a deeper sense of awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the love that God has for us His children. This is what God wants us to truly know.

Sometimes we have a skewed understanding because of imperfect examples. However, no matter what our earthly experiences may be with our fathers, let us take an example from Jesus. It is Jesus who calls the heavenly Father "ABBA!". 'Abba' is the equivalent to our modern day term 'Daddy'. Jesus pulls the veil and reveals the beauty of a meaningful relationship between himself as a son and the Father. He points us to the eternal Father as one we can approach, find comfort and strength in, and learn from. He is a Father that is always with us, who takes pleasure in our obedience, and wants to teach us His ways and wisdom. 


Our Father in heaven, thank You for all that You are, all that You have provided, all that You have done for us. You have always wanted the best for us. Forgive us for going against You at times, for not having a true appreciation for Your will which is always in our best interest. When we truly love You, we learn to love our own selves too, as you love us. We ask a special blessing upon each earthly father, biological, surrogate, or otherwise. Instill in them a true sense of Your love and give them grace to first accept this love for themselves, and then for their children. Bless them, guide them, protect and save them. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Did you know that God has left expressions of love throughout His word for us His children? Be blessed by the following video which is a timeless classic capturing His loving heart for us. πŸ™πŸŽ§❤️

A Letter from God [Father Heart Communications]


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