Tonight's Word 🌱

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am! Send me."
- Isaiah 6:8

Have you ever seen God? I am not saying it is impossible but I imagine that this would be a very holy and reverent experience. While this privilege may not be given to any and everyone, the Bible does record that very few persons have seen God face to face, such as Adam and Moses. Several others though were able to see Him in vision. The prophet Isaiah was one such person. He says at the start of chapter 6, "I saw the Lord", who he goes on to further describe as seated on the throne, and surrounded by angels. What an impactful scene it must have been for him, a mortal man. He was humbled, convicted, and his heart forever won over. We can tell this because after his encounter of being purified and empowered, and then the brief exchange as seen in tonight's verse of scripture, Isaiah was eager and willing to do whatever the Lord asked of Him.

I am only one, but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
- Edward Everett Hale

Today, we can read in the Word that the Lord has many missions that continue to exist for His children. Do we know someone in need? Have we met someone who needs help? Have we persons in our lives who need a little more love and encouragement? Do we know persons who may be going down a wrong path and need help in turning around? Has someone asked us to pray for them? Do we enjoy a state of plenty without thinking of others without? Do genuine appeals for help pass us by without us feeling convicted to respond quickly and urgently in even the little ways we are able to? There are many ways the Lord is willing to send His children on missions, without us having to go far - consider our family, our neighbours, our co-workers, our friends, even strangers we come in contact with. There is something that each of us can do. Little is much in the Master's hands.

“The purpose of life is not only to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Like the prophet Isaiah, perhaps, I too need a fresh encounter with the Lord, a renewed sense of awe before a holy God, a cleansing and healing process from the hardening influence of this life, to ask the Lord to make me more in tune to His calls for mission. Let us not spend one more day blinded to the world around us in need of relief, comfort, faith, and hope. Imagine a generation of persons committed to helping someone in need. We can be that generation. Everyone can do something, by God's grace. Here we are Lord, send us!


Father in heaven, thank You for granting us one more day of life. You are such a holy, well-meaning, all-knowing, all-powerful God. You care about us, and our needs. Forgive us for where we have failed to to be grateful for all You have done for us. Forgive us, cleanse us, purify our hearts and minds so that we can see how You see, feel how You feel, care how You care, and be willing to commit our hands and feet for doing what matters to You. Help us to be more in tune to your guiding, amd more willing to represent a loving God. We love You Lord. In Jesus' name.

Do enjoy the following song. It was shared with me last year and it continues to be impactful to me. Be blessed πŸŽ§πŸ™‚

Send Me [Bethel]


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