
Showing posts from April, 2023

Tonight's Word 🌱

'The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love." -Psalm 147: 11 "Hope floats" .  Have you ever heard this term? What does it mean? It describes the ability that hope gives to rise above and eventually overcome difficulties and hardships, which can otherwise weigh down on ones spirit, slow down ones progress or trigger the temptation of giving up. Picture yourself on a long exhausting journey, and no end in sight. We continue not knowing if we will ever reach our destination. However, if it is a place we have been to before or been told of it before, we know it exists, we have its image in our mind, we walk with the hope of seeing it at the end.  We are acquainted all too well with life's twists and turns, but through it all, we hold on to hope, that things will get better. Some may place our hope in a human being like ourselves, a thing or even an event. These may fail us. For the Christian, our blessed hope doesn't only re...

Tonight's Word 🌱

"Not that I have already obtained it, this goal of being Christlike, or have already been made perfect, but I actively press on so that I may take hold of that perfection for which Christ Jesus took hold of me and made me His own." - Philippians 3:12 QUESTION : What does a slippery salmon and a rip-current have in common? Continue reading 😎 Have you ever tried to swim upstream in a river? For those who have, they often say it is a tiring process, sometimes even futile for those who are not strong enough swimmers. There is a particular fish that has been known to do this very thing, at least once in its lifetime. The salmon, who is usually born in fresh water (rivers), tend to live most of their lives downstream in the ocean. When it is time for them to lay their eggs however, they instinctively return to the areas they were born, which unusually requires for them to find their way from the ocean back to the rivers, and successfully swim upstream.  I have another analogy I ha...

Tonight's Word 🌱

"Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God. Thy Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness." - Psalm 143:10 Decisions, decisions. We make them everyday. They can range from what to have for breakfast, to what movie to watch, and these choices can be made in split seconds without much thinking because they are considered to be low-impact decisions. Then there are the high-impact major decisions. These can be contemplating on which university to attend, or where to live or who to marry. These are decisions that require a little more thought, because the way forward and their consequences can be life-changing, as they aren't easily reversible. It goes without saying that we all want the best possible future outcome.  For the Christian, there is an additional dimension - we desire the assurance of a decision or path that has been guided by God. When one makes a decision based on ones own judgement, we tend to have to take responsibility for that path. However, when...

Tonight's Word 🌱

"He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His stripes we are healed."  - 1 Peter 2:24 Have you ever done something wrong? I guess we can all answer a sheepish 'Yes' to that question. How about have you ever done something wrong and watched someone else suffer or be punished for it, instead of you? Now this is where it gets sticky. Not many folk would feel comfortable admitting that they allowed someone to suffer because of their actions, and even worse, that they did nothing about it. It doubles the guilt. After all, it is the general in-built moral compass in most if not all of us, that accepts that the person who does wrong is the one who should experience their own consequences. Somehow though, through this life, we come to the realization that our actions not only impact us, but affect others also.  The Bible gives the following account. Jesus, innocent of any crime, is presented together with the ...