Tonight's Word 🌱

"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy."
- Psalm 96:11-12 🌱

Isn't nature wonderful? It isn't just nature, rather it is undeniably God's creation. This week, I found myself in a phase of just admiring and reflecting on several of God's beautiful living masterpieces. While nothing beats experiencing these moments up close and personal, I am also deeply appreciative of the efforts of  photographers locally and around the world who have been and continue to capture epic moments, like a whale breaching the ocean's surface, or the bioluminescence of algae shimmering blue in the night ocean, or the graceful movements of fish in the water, or even the fluttering of birds in the open air as they glide gracefully. Or why not consider the gentle and quiet beauty of the many flowers blossoming throughout our land, the perfect symmetry and replication and timing of their colourful and sweet blooms every time. 

There is no shortage of miracles surrounding us. The Bible often gives a voice to nature, proclaiming the glory and presence of our Creator. Taking a moment to reflect amidst the bustle of this life, does something to us - it broadens our minds horizons away from what tends to daily consume our focus, refreshes us, bringing peace and a sense of awe and assurance in a divine Father who is good, powerful, beautiful and caring.

Prayer: Father, thank You for all that You have blessed us with on this beautiful earth. Your creation awakens in us a sense of respect and admiration for You. Help us to be more in tune with You and our place in the natural world. We look forward to the earth made new and perfect once again, as You described in Your Word. Prepare us for eternity with You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Be blessed by the following musical selection, which is an adaptation of one of my favorite hymns. Be encouraged πŸŽ§πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™‚

This is My Father's World [Keith & Kristyn Getty]


  1. Amen, the heavens declare the glory of God!


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