Tonight's Word 🌱

Japanese cherry blossom

"My flesh and my heart may fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
- Psalm 73:26 🌱
Tonight, I will be sharing a simple hymn that made its mark on me during a time of solitude. I heard it as purely instrumental on a cello, then after some research, I gladly found the words. I had never heard this song before, but this would be due to it originally being in Japanese. Thankfully, it has been translated into English and provided a smile to my heart at the time.

It is inspired by the cherry blossom trees which are world renowned for their seasons of bloom. Interestingly, this season of bloom lasts a week but what a beautiful season it is.

Trees and plants have seasons of barrenness and seasons of bloom. In our human experiences, we too go through seasons of barrenness, which could be due to illness, failure, loneliness, grief, loss, stagnancy, etc. These seasons sometimes feel long and never-ending. The Bible assures that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning, and this principle echoes through even our natural environment. All around us, God gives reminders that He is more than able to provide in His time, seasons of joy and new beginnings. 

Father, I lift up all who are mourning, who are grieving, who are hurting, who are in need of your comfort, strength, and loving embrace. Plant in our mind and heart, the hope and assurance that You will make all things new once again, if not now in our lifetime, in the world to come. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Enjoy the selection below 🎧. Be encouraged. Be blessed πŸ™

Hanamo - Even in Flowers [English version] 


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