Tonight's Word 🌱


"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship."
-Romans 12:1 🌱

Have you ever been asked to do something, and yet you feel inadequate for the task ahead? I know I have. We have many examples of persons in the Bible who were called to do things that they felt totally unprepared for or even unwilling to do. 

Consider Noah, who was called to preach to the people of his time about an unheard of impending flood and also build an ark. Consider a stuttering and once fugitive Moses, who was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, or a reluctant Jonah being called to preach to persons he felt may never take him seriously, or Joseph who had been through one too many incidents of betrayal and yet called toward an important position of responsibility. Consider even the widow who was down to her last handful of flour and getting ready to die and was called to feed the prophet Elijah instead. Their obedience was blessed.

As tonight's scripture shares, when we receive the mercy and grace of Jesus, and accept the call to follow Him, He calls us first to a life of righteousness, of love for Him, and of consecrated purpose. He wants to set us apart for holy use, and all that we have, as little as we think it may be, and to trust Him. 

As He works on our heart, everything that we have is seen in a different perspective. They are seen as gifts to be used to bless God and those around us and to draw them to the same Father who has redeemed us and called us into His light. This is ministry and is meant to bring honour to Him, and to share Him with others. This may perhaps feel intimidating to some, because we feel inadequate or not brave enough. Our humanity and limitations are all too real, and Christ knows this, but they are also not all that we have. We have gifts, we have experiences of His goodness, we have resources, we have qualities unique to us, we have a love for our Lord, a testimony, a word of encouragement, skills, resources, health, strength, the ability to set an example, to be a light, to do the right thing by God's grace, a unique location, etc. Until He opens our eyes and we open our hearts with love to Him, these gifts will continue to be dormant for His cause.
What do I have? How can I use this to honour You Lord?
Can you imagine what beautiful things He can do with our hands, our feet, our hearts, our speech, our resources, our character, if we consciously submitted them that God may work His will through us? It all starts with a willing heart of love for our God. Let us rekindle our first love, renew our committment, and be about our Father's business this year, giving ourselves and all that we have to Him, and be willing and active participants in the work of the gospel, which is to see others come to know Jesus, and be saved. 

Be blessed by the song below πŸŽ§πŸ™πŸ½

Take my Life and Let it Be [Norton Hall Band]


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