Tonight's Word 🌱

"Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths." - Psalm 25:4 🌱 Have you ever challenged yourself to look at a bad experience and undoubtedly think of it as working for your eventual good? There is a story I read, which was of a Chinese farmer who experienced a seemingly distressing series of events, from a horse running away, to his son suffering a broken leg after trying to tame the several wild horses the runaway horse brought back with it when it returned, to the son not being drafted in to the army on a deadly mission due to his broken leg. Those around him were quick to judge each event as good or bad, however, the farmer responded each time as "maybe". Each of these events had a surprisingly positive end result. The farmer wise in his years, realized that things in life have a way of working out that may not appear to be so initially. The Bible strongly echoes these sentiments. Romans 8:28 says that "in all things God works for the good of tho...