Tonight's Word 🌱
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise." -Psalm 51:17 Have you ever been in a relationship or heard someone who is in a relationship complain that their partner doesn't make time for them or doesn't pay attention to them? Maybe you yourself have been the one guilty of this too? Perhaps crucial elements like communication, honesty, humility have broken down, and the closeness and intimacy that was once shared that brought the two individuals together in the first place have sort of fallen through the widening distance and faded into familiarity. While this may not necessarily be the end of the world for the relationship, it does weaken it. Experts have often shared that relationships are like plants, and just as plants need certain things to grow well, it is of great benefit when partners can among many other things, maintain date nights, shared activities or goals, or even accessing prayer and counselling...